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发布时间:2023-05-21 阅读量:72048 作者: 开云体育app

开云体育app:It is better to have a modest but steady program of employee activities than to splurge on benefits, lush company papers and plant baseball teams when times are good, only to cut down to the point of taking out the soap in the washrooms when orders drop 10 per cent. 在公司蓬勃的时候,夸耀公司福利,建立球队,可是当订单下降10%,就大幅紧缩开支,甚至不再供应盥洗室的洗手肥皂,与其这样还不如细水长流,计划适度而稳定的员工运动。It is better to give the customer minimum service than to get him used to good service only to lay off half the service force when profits go down. 与其等主顾习惯了良好的服务后,却在公司利润下降时裁掉半数的客户服务人员,还不如从一开始就只提供稳定的基本服务。


It is more productive to spend 50, 000 dollars each year for ten years on research than to spend, say, two millions one year and nothing the next nine.与其1年投入200万美元的研究经费,之后9年却都不花1分钱从事研究,还不如一连10年来,每年花5万美元在研究上。REFERENCE:modest 适度的,谦虚的steady 稳定的program 计划employee activities 员工运动splurge on 浪费,浪费benefit 福利lush 豪华的,富厚的plant baseball teams 建立球队only to 可是,效果却cut down 紧缩,削减to the point of 到了…的田地soap 肥皂washroom 盥洗室order 订单drop 下降customer 主顾minimum service 基本服务 get used to 习惯lay off 裁掉,(通常指因事情岗位不足而)辞退,开除service force 服务人员profits go down 利润下降productive 富有成效的spend 花费research 研究say 例如million 百万本文内容泉源参考书籍《治理的实践》The Practice of ManagementPeter F. Drucker* 本书为第一部从实际执行层面立论的治理学书籍,第一部兼顾治理现有企业和创新未来企业的著作。

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